Monday, March 24, 2008

Odd yet Unexpected Politics Day

In two un-related yet somehow seemingly inter-connected stories, Sean Hannity turns out to be a racist (big surprise) and a leftist radical gets re-arrested for no reason (even bigger surprise).

Hannity, the man so concerned about Barak Obama's preacher's "racism," turns out to have a bit more racist connection of his own. Apparently Mr. Hannity is close friends with Hal Turner, a notorious white power advocate who has applauded the firebombing of an apartment complex housing "savage negroes" and has called for murder as a way to regulate America's population of un-documented immigrants. Not even mentioning his calls for forced steralization of all minorities, you can see the guy has a bit of problem with racial diversity. And in addition to being a regular commentator on Hannity's radio show, the two have apprently had an extensive personal relationship over the years.

In other news, local radical and former SLA-member Sarah Jane Olson was re-arrested this weekend after being relased upon serving 6 years in a federal prison. Turns out, despite the fact that she was granted patrol over a month ago, after some political pressure from right-wing police unions and "victim advocacy" groups (which are in all actuality, police-funded P.R. fronts) a "mistake" was found in the records and the judge is now claiming she still owes a year on her sentence. Ms. Olson, in addition to being a founding member of the coolest cooperative in the Twin Cities, was convicted of second-degree murder after participating in an SLA bank robbbery during which a bank patron was killed. Now certainly no one defends that crime, but last I checked, once someone serves their sentence, they're free to go. I don't remember the clause in the constitution that says you can put people back into prison because you disagree with their politics. I'm pretty sure that's the kind of thing an old Iraqi dictator did that was so offensive it required 4,000 American lives and 1,000,000+ Iraqi lives to get rid of. Just saying...

But in happier news, there's only 7 days, 7 hours, and 59 minutes until the first pitch of the season for the local boys, who neither spout racist right-wing rhetoric nor unlawfully imprison leftists. So at least there's something to look forward to in this world...

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