Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cheap and easy activism

As I've probably mentioned in here once or twice already, the rabble-rousin' kids of Youth Against War and Racism are working of kicking recruiters out of their schools in the Twin Cities area. We're close to a major victory in St. Paul and hope to use a win there to bring the fight to Minneapolis, and serve as a template for students nation-wide who are sick of people coming into their school to prey on their clasmates and send them off to die in an illegal, immoral, and unjust war.

"But Jesse, I have no time for such things. I am so mired in my day-to-day activity that taking even the slightest step to fight military recruitment in our schools is too onerous for me!" you say.

Well, I've got the solution for you. We've set up an online petition that you can sign to show your support. We'll take all of these signature to the big show-down with the school board next week, so sign it now and tell all your friends.

Sign the petition here, and go back about your regular existance, but now with the smug self-satisfaction that comes from taking extremely small steps to help win major battles.

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