Sunday, February 27, 2011

More on Wisconsin

There's been a great deal of awesome photos coming out of the ongoing occupation of the Wisconsin state capitol building, but I think this is one of my favorites:

It's a short list of rules for anyone staying there that were spontaneously devised by the occupiers. In addition to these rules, there are strict guidelines posted throughout the building about where and what food to share, where and when to clean (the demonstrators have taken over care of the building while they occupy it), and other such postings to ensure a smooth and well-functioning occupation.

I think what I like most about this sort of thing is that it effectively demonstrates how these people are not random crazies or troublemakers, but are actually extremely well-organized and courteous. It's a powerful example of the power of people to organize and regulate themselves, even without fear of retribution or anyone forcing them to do so.

As of the latest news I've been able to find, things are still at a stand still, but demonstrators are staying strong. Things may be heating up soon, though, as Anonymous, the internet hacker collective best known for their recent defense of Wikileaks, has announced they're taking on Governor Walker and Koch Industries.

I for one cannot wait to see what they come up with...

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