Wednesday, June 13, 2007

News you can use on the 5 second rule...

A great article appeared in the Strib today on the long-held yet controversial 5 second rule. Two seniors at Conneticut College have performed a study testing how long food can sit on the groud before it goes bad.

And as usual, it turns out the stoner kid in the weird-smelling room at the end of the dorm hallway was totally right. The pair of researchers found out that food can usually sit on the ground for up to 30 seconds before it becomes infected with any more germs than it would sitting on your table, and more solid foods (such as the Skittles they used) could often last up to 5 minutes before one could distinguish them from those still safely on the table.

So the next time you clumsily knock your food to the floor and the person next to you snarkily says "You're not going to eat that, are you?" you can tell them it's not only your right as an American to follow the five second rule, but that it has scientific backing as well.

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