Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Finally, the MVP goes to a guard...who's an anti-war communist

So the NBA really has a problem with ignoring set-up men, and only giving the MVP to the finishers underneath (i.e. Kevin Garnett last year). This is why John Stockton never won an MVP award, but Shaq, who's having his worst season ever statistically and isn't even the MVP of his own team, comes in a very close second. But this year they gave the award to the guy who makes everyone else look good.

And is a huge pinko.

Steve Nash, this years MVP of the National Basketball Association, came out strongly against the Iraq war, even showing up to the All-Star game wearing a shirt that read "Shoot Baskets, Not People." He further criticised the media for failing to report the truth on the war, as well. Finally, in a move near and dear to all of our hearts, when he told the New York Times that the last book he read was the Communist Manifesto, which he read so he could better understand the previous book he read about the life of Che Guevara. Now that's my kind of athlete.

Rad about his anti-war stances here and read a humorous article about his communistic playing style here.

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