Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"I'd hate to advocate drugs, violence, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me"

Goodbye, Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist, and sweet, sweet prince. Not only did he write great books, but he also once ran for the Sheriff of Pitkin County, Colorado (of which I'd have his campaign poster up, but it won't upload for whatever reason). Running on the Freak Power ticket, he advocated re-naming Aspen "Fat City," decriminalizing drugs and drug selling (only at cost), and even shaved his head so he could refer to his Republican rival (who had a crew-cut) as his "long-haired opponent." The man only lost by 500 votes.

He also once hosted a super-bowl party which was attended by George W. Bush.

R.I.P. Hunter

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