Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quit Trying To Kill Everything I Love

As is obvious to anyone who has ever read this blog, I tend not to approve of most of the actions taken by conservative/libertarian people. Well, I agree with the conclusions of libertarians about 40% of the time (I never agree with their premises). But the thing I hate most is the way conservatives are so steadfastly trying to murder irony.

Ironic humor is possible my favorite thing in the world. Although I'm a little too young to be included in Gen X, I most definitely inherited their pension for ironic detachment from the world. It's become so ingrained in the way I communicate, I have to actively watch what I say around new people because they don't know pretty much everything I say is sarcastic.

It seems conservatives have always been fans of destroying the very concept of irony by rendering it so meaningless with their actions, but it also seems that this process has intensified greatly over the past decade or so. Whether it's arguing forcing the poor to starve is a Christian act or arguing that murdering innocent people will make our nation safer, conservatives have been abusing irony like it owes them money.

But I think they've finally succeeded, as the producers behind the Atlas Shrugged movie have started a kickstarter page to fund the next installment of the movie. Yes, a movie about how asking for money or voluntarily giving money to anyone makes you a parasite that will destroy the world will be funded by asking for donations.

This isn't even to broach the subject of the the first installment not even coming close to breaking even on its production costs. And for an ideology that says the market is the perfect arbiter of value, it would seem the market has loudly proclaimed this is a bad project which should be abandoned.

But that's only if these people actual believe the excrement of Ayn Rand. Which means I think I've finally figured out how anyone could believe anything so completely batshit crazy -- they don't. It's all part of their long-term plan to obliterate the concept of irony.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
~John Rogers

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