Tuesday, June 07, 2005


In case you haven't heard of the Downing Street Memo yet, the jist of it is that David Manning, A Biritish intelligence official, had his notes from meetings with Bush & Co. leaked to the public. In the notes from his meeting with them in 2002, he noted that Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq, but the justification just wasn't there. So, he noted, the "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." So this proves that the president was (get ready to gasp) lying!

But it gets better.

So several members of congress were upset by this memo (and by "several" I mean "89") and they wrote a letter to President Bush expressing their shock and outrage. Scott McClellan, the President's press secretary, said he has "no need" to respond to the letter.

Just for clarification:
He claims to have no need to respond to a letter written to the President by 89 members of congress asking him to explain a memo that proves he lied about a war which was killed nearly 2,000 Americans in a nation which posed no threat to us.

As always, "I'm not making this up™!"

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